Loved working on this guy. Not a fan of models without helmets. Find faces on models to be too dramatic. Guess the face has to be drama filled to catch the eye. Will have to find another model like this to work on. Push my comfort level.
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Neil said he wanted more attention to the crystal and Sebastian. Hopefully these two meet his expectations. Based crystal Enchanted Blue. |
JJ painting, absolutely amazed how quickly this model came together. Could've completed him in a Sat. This is a
Hobbit Commission for Neil who won Silver Gargoyle Products Free Model Giveaway. If I hadn't applied what I learned from Andrew and Nate at Renegade Open GT I'm almost certain it would've taken me a couple more parts to complete this model.
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Mixed Enchanted Blue and Ice Blue 1:1 for first highlight on crystal. Hit sides then top of the facets. |
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Added more Ice Blue to the previous mix 3:1 to Enchanted Blue for next highlight. |
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Added one more part of Ice Blue to previous mix now 4:1 for the edges of the crystal. While it looks ok, it is similar to the crystal on the GW model. Not painted the same way. Now to give it that extra umph that hopefully meets Neil's request. |
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Took advice from Nate and increased the contrast, thanks, Zab, and cranked up the crystal. Pure Army Painter Mat White on the edges of the facets. |
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Without Andrew's simple phrase my wet pallet would've looked more like the messes you've seen in previous posts. Instead of mixing the new colour I sloppily added more Ice Blue into the existing colour. This was extremely beneficial because there were a couple of times I had to paint over a mistake, thanks, Andrew, and could easily pull the previous mix and correct the error. I'm besides myself how simple it is. |
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Based Sebastian Vermin Brown then washed Army Painter Dark Tone. Not that Sebastian is a vermin. He's quite cute with lots of character and extremely adorable. Look how he supportively stands besides Radagast's shoe. I've been holding onto that line since I first started painting this model a couple of months ago. Now I that line can be released from my RAM. |
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Very similar to the previous pic of my wet pallet. Inside Vermin Brown I added Balor Brown for the first highlight. |
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Little more Balor Brown to key parts of the face, ears and certain parts of the hair. |
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Not sure how this pic turned out a little fuzzy. Mixed 1:1:1 Ushabti Bone, Balor Brown and Vermin Brown for a highlight on face, ears and particular parts of the hair. Last touch up with 1:1 Rotten Flesh and Ushabti Bone for rest of the face, last tips of the ears and rare parts of the tufts of hair. |
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Finished Sebastian with 3:1 Army Painter Uniform Grey and Army Painter Mat Black to highlight Sebastian's beady eyes and nose. Two more highlights with Army Painter Uniform Grey added to previous mix to get Sebastian's nose just right. Attempted to get it as close to the GWs model as possible. |
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Mordian7th's voice goes through my head. | |
Thanks again, Andrew and Nate. Hope to chat with you both again about painting.
Critique away.
slainte mhath
Nice work, the hedge hog turn out great too!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the compliment, Zab.