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This was one of the many things making me nervous all night. |
Met Matt at Fantasy Flight for another game. He is a fun guy to hang out with. Chill, relax. On the ball, but not a pain about anything. If anything I was "that guy" tonight regarding the game. Had another damn entertaining game with him. As I told him during the game and afterwards "Frankly I'm afraid of your army." He really had me against me the ropes psychologically about what his army could do.
Wore my navy blue VNV Nation Automatic polo-shirt.
Tyranids: Two flying hive tyrants, two trygon primes (one of them looks like a cut out piece of paper, damn great camoflage), Raveners, 3x Shrike Warriors, 4x Shrike Warriors, 5x 10 hormagaunts.
Mission: Purge the Alien. Deployment: Vanguard.
While setting up board I ask Matt if I should take it easy on him, go medium or go all out. He says "Go all out." He has had 4 other games since our game earlier this month. He's received some advice about his army and he's implementing it tonight. This worries me.
Won roll off after tying first roll. Decided to go second. Matt gave me this sly look of knowing what's going on and cursed me a little bit.
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The field is ready. |
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Tyranid deployment. |
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Necron deployment. I prepare for the burrowing Trygon Prime blast that doesn't happen. Really surprised it didn't happen. Should've paid attention and noticed both were deployed not in reserves. |
Imotekh decides to seize initiative. 6 appears. I believe this helps me with that jump on making scarabs.
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Top of first. Generate Scarabs. Move right Wraiths around Cryptek and Immortals. Playing very defensively. Lightning takes out some Shrike Warriors. |
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Close up of bottom of second H2H, hand-to-hand. Matt is being bold. Very bold. Raveners assault Scarabs. This is unexpected. This usually doesn't happen til later in the game. |
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Probably favourite pic of the night. |
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Close up of top of third H2H. Pile-in Scarabs to Raveners. |
It's about this time I ask Matt about the other matches he's had. Have they treated him well or did they just crush him. He used to play in end of 3rd or beginning of 4th years ago. He's been out of the game for awhile. My first game with him I was deeply concerned about how to treat a returning playing. Careful not turn a returning player off playing again. Asked if him I should take it easy on him or go medium. He said medium in the first game. Apparently he has had a huge learning curve after our first game.
He mentioned the games have been crushing. One game against IG put him down in bottom of second. Another game the guy was providing advice the entire game, this I love. Asked him if anyone asked him if they should take it easy on him. He said no. This stunned me. Gets me thinking about 40k players. Are we so out of touch that we can't practice some empathy for someone new, or returningm, to the game. Do we really have to trounce the newest/greenest player to prove our birthright. Reminds me a of a story.
Not using names to avoid hurting anyone's feelings. Someone told me they don't play against anyone til a buddy of their plays them. The reasoning is because if the stranger just pounds their buddy into the ground without any consideration it isn't worth their time. This I agree with. Example: If my buddy Joe plays against Michael and Michael tables Joe because it is fun and doesn't care. I don't want to play against Michael because frankly that isn't the game I'm looking for. Michael doesn't help me become a stronger player by tabling me in fewer than three turns. He makes me a stronger player by helping me learn the game.
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Close up of bottom of fourth H2H. Hormagaunts take out two bases. Scarabs do enough wounds and Hormagaunts fail enough saves to remove the entire squad. |
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Bottom of fourth. Flying Hive Tyrant comes on through ongoing reserves. Does a Vector Strike and shoots. |
We lost track of rounds. We believe its bottom of fifth. Matt rolls 4 onto turn six. That is when he calls it. Tally up VP's and it's Necrons. Forgot the Line Breaker VP.
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Spent some time talking about what he could have done differently. As Natfka has mentioned. Deployment. I agree with him. Its a game all onto itself. You can lose in deployment. As Natfka told me one time with my Dark Eldar.
Matt mentioned about dropping Shrike Warriors and a squad of Hormagaunts for two squads of Genestealers. Sounds good. He's going to kick around a couple of things. We talked about setting up another game in a couple of weeks.
I really enjoy playing against him. It's a relaxed fun game. Hardly any pressure. Rules reminders here and there. No stress because of the other person. A genuine enjoyable time.
Win 11 - 0 Necrons.
slainte mhath
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