Sunday, June 30, 2013

Value and Worth

The last two weeks have been very demanding and this coming week will be no different.  Even though its under the guise of entertainment.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

blog roll

If you'd like your blog added to "Immortals amongst us" on the right.  Post the link here and it'll be added within a day.

slainte mhath

Friday, June 28, 2013

Imperial Guard Cadian Shock Troop part 1

This is something my buddy Lane and I have talked about for quite some time.  We've waxed about this during our B&B, beer and bullshit, hang out before Fri night games.  The result of this commission epitomizes the purpose of this blog.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Attitude and Compassion

Would really like this post to reach its intended audience.  Seems to me there is a lot more GW bashing last several months than ever before.  Here are some thoughts.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Eldar Wraithknight S.I. part 1

Shawn has several new Eldar releases for me to paint.  All other Shawn's projects he had for me were side-lined for the Wraithknight.  Going to be mixing up the Work In Progress posts over the next several weeks.  Going to be kind of exciting.

Shawn started putting this guy together than had the foresight to stop in case I had a different idea.  I did and he really likes it.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Saturday, June 22, 2013

blog roll

If you'd like your blog added to "Immortals amongst us" on the right.  Post the link here and it'll be added within a day.

slainte mhath

Friday, June 21, 2013

Nerves, quite weird (now completed)

Damn, blog posts are suffering because of all the things demanding time.  My bad.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Blood Angels Death Company Chaplain part 3

Back to this awesome guy.  After todays session I looked at him and said "Damn! I love him."  What a beautiful model.

Chains, studs, metal parts on Crozius Arcanum and combi-flamer Leadbelcher.  Grip on combi-flamer Scab Red.

Monday, June 17, 2013

13.6.15 1850 Grey Knights vs Eldar

Been awhile since I've been at the table.  Over two weeks since my last game.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

blog roll

If you'd like your blog added to "Immortals amongst us" on the right.  Post the link here and it'll be added within a day.

slainte mhath

Friday, June 14, 2013

They're off and on their way to their new home

Wraithknight and Crimson Hunter will soon be in the hands of their new owner.

How to Paint Eldar Ghost Glaive

Quick post of how the Ghost Glaive came together.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Your support is amazing!

Quick post expressing appreciation to you, H2Lat40K viewers.

Tips for Painting a lot of Weapons

Wanted to share some steps used when painting the Crimson Hunter and Wraithknights weapons.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

How to Paint Eyes redux

Been awhile since I've painted eyes to this detail.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Ebay Eldar Wraithknight and Crimson Hunter are up for auction

What a damned fun ride.  Not nearly as stressful as I thought.  Thanks to the generosity and understanding of people in my life.

Ebay Eldar Crimson Hunter Completed On the Seventh day....

Probably could've painted this guy in one session.  Mind you almost the entire Sat at the murder table.  Still this guy was surprisingly quick.

Ebay Eldar Wraithknight Completed

This was a fun model to put together and paint.  Surprisingly quick.  Was little longer than the Crimson Hunter.  Faster than I expected.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Ebay Eldar Wraithknight and Crimson Hunter part 6

Crimson Hunter only one thing left to paint on it. Wraithknight on the other hand had lots to do on him to get him to the next stage.

blog roll

If you'd like your blog added to "Immortals amongst us" on the right.  Post the link here and it'll be added within a day.

slainte mhath

Friday, June 7, 2013

Happiness and this moment

Instead of my usual posts would like to make one about happiness.  This one has been bouncing around in my head for almost a week.  Enjoy.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Ebay Eldar Crimson Hunter part 5

Man, part of me wants to focus just on this guy tonight.  Feel I can get him done in an hour.  Practicing discipline.

Ebay Eldar Wraithknight part 5

What a great evening.  Landed home a little later than expected.  Turned on the lights and went right to work.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Ebay Eldar Crimson Hunter part 4

Damn this guy is breezing by.  If I wasn't so hell bent on painting the this and Wraithknight together this guy would be done.  There are so few parts left paint and work on.  Thinking I won't charge a lot for this model.

Ebay Eldar Wraithknight part 4

You know what they say about plans of mice and men.  Yeah, sigh.  Tomorrows a new day.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Ebay Eldar Crimson Hunter part 3 - Tip to preserve the tips

This model is breezing by.  Won't rest on my laurels yet.  Sat is fast approaching.  Hubris now will bite me in the ass Sat at 7pm.

Ebay Eldar Wraithknight part 3

Sensing there is a big moment coming with this model that may have me feel the pressure of my time table.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Ebay Eldar Crimson Hunter part 2

Really like the flow of this model.  Far more than Wraithknight.

Ebay Eldar Wraithknight part 2

Didn't get nearly as much done as I wanted yesterday.  Though I'm probably further along than I think.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

How to stop Eldar Crimson Hunters Canopy from falling out

The model is too new for this post to wait a week.  Figure others can find this helpful in solving the case of not wanting to run away canopy.

Unlike the earlier Eldar vehicles there is no tab that pushes the canopy arm into the slot at the top of the pilot's chair.  This keeps the canopy from falling out.  Not sure what is going on with GW's models, definitely not the same as before.  The light above the pilot's head is the slot for the flyer stand.  You can see that is a lot of space not holding the canopy in place securely.

Ebay Eldar Crimson Hunter part 1

I'll be painting this model at the same time as the Wraithknight.  Going to see how efficient painting-wise that is going to be.

Ebay Eldar Wraithknight part 1

Finally.  At last I'm doing this.  Been boring my gaming group and 40k buddies with the same story of my plans to paint one of these up and throw it on ebay.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

First Impressions 6th ed Eldar Codex *No Imperium bashing

What a long time this codex has been coming.  Already people are  saying its over-powered.  Some are saying its the new Tau.  We've read these things for weeks now without the codex in our grubby paws.  I've been waiting for the day Eldar was released before Space Marines.  This makes me quite happy.

blog roll

If you'd like your blog added to "Immortals amongst us" on the right.  Post the link here and it'll be added within a day.

slainte mhath